The Jefferson County Revenue Department administers and enforces several federal, state, county, and municipal statutes, ordinances, and regulations. This responsibility includes collecting and distributing motor vehicle taxes, motor vehicle registration fees, hunting/fishing license fees, privilege (business) licenses, sales and special revenue sales taxes, to name a few, on behalf of the State of Alabama, Jefferson County Commission; and Jefferson County municipalities, school districts, and governmental agencies.
Consolidating Tax Forms!
(posted 1/15/2025) Exciting news for businesses! Starting Jan. 1, 2025, business taxpayers remitting sales and use taxes will no longer be required to file separate General and Special Revenue Tax Returns. Sales and Use Taxes should be filed on the My Alabama Taxes (MAT) system using locality code 7037 and selecting the appropriate tax type and rate. Click here for more information regarding this change.
(posted 2/12/2024) 85% of all Jefferson County taxpayers pay their Sales, Use, Lodgings, Rental and Special Restaurant Alcohol Taxes online via My Alabama Taxes (MAT). Jefferson County will no longer mail paper returns for these taxes. Visit to file and pay most Jefferson County taxes online. If you wish to continue to file paper returns, click the following link to download the applicable tax forms here.
Quick Links
Tag Renewal
Personalized Tag
Title Replacement
Business License
Driver's License
Fishing License
Hunting License
Answers to questions not found on this website may possibly be found at the State of Alabama Department of Revenue site.